Picking flowers in the early hours. |
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Let Me Go - Nouvelle Vague Whining post ahead. Turn back! Turn back! Before the it actually dampens your mood. I don't know if it's the weather or something else. There's just something tugging at the heart strings, squishing my stomach, giving me this queasy feeling all the time. I am still crossing roads without thinking or checking out traffic. Every time I wait whilst hailing a cab to go home, I keep thinking of thoughts that I can never put together. I just keep thinking and thinking but I don't even know what I'm thinking about. Wtf? *slaps self* Been really lazy and chor lor recently, I don't really bother about image anymore. It's been a long time since I carried the same bag to school for so long. I want to find the gray suede bag out. I guess it's that time again, that same time when I told him I just, well, changed. Changed into someone that I cannot comprehend. I've lost that spunk that I used to have, I have lost quite a bit of confidence in myself... Sometimes, I think I allow people to see through me and I don't really like that. It's like I'm searching for something unknown. I guess I need a change, some sort of guidance. Ironically, I don't like to be looked after. Gah, I don't know. Screw you. And there is not a day, not one. freaking. day, I can pass without hearing the mention of matters along the line of *that* and *that* and *this*, I'm sick of typing e-mails to someone I don't know. I think I'm growing older, I'm easily annoyed, my pet peeves list ridiculously grew so long that it shocks me. I cannot drink red bull anymore even when I'm drop dead tired beyond words because my hands will start shaking and my heart beat will just keep increasing ... and increasing ...... Adding on, I'm fat. Yes, I am fat. I don't feel like doing anything about it. I keep studying and studying but nothing gets in. So how? When I finish a chapter, I cannot recall the first few pages of work. Secondary school is just a pain in the arse to get through, seriously, what have you learnt in the textbooks that you applied in work? Nadah. Someone told me to make use of the time to forge as much awesome friendships as possible. The thing is, there's only that many people 我看的顺眼 and vice versa. There's only that much people that can tolerate my bluntness, that mouth which cannot stop spewing vulgarities, drinks redbull whenever deemed possible and whines non stop about chairperson sai kangs. I am REALLY thankful for my friends, really. Those who can tahan me. You all know who you guys are lar. Don't need to say out. The ones I dream big dreams with. I want to continue to whine and whine till this blog post has a scroll bar. But I'm going to head back to my Chemistry notes. Practical examinations tomorrow, dreading the quarantine sessions to NO end. Is it me, or do the Barflies eat at lightning speed. Diu diu diu.
8:31:00 PM
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Fade To Grey - Nouvelle Vague Why do I feel so down most of the time? :( Do you want to give me an answerrrrr? Labels: emo femo nemo
6:46:00 AM
Monday, August 25, 2008
Les Feuilles Mortes - Yves Montand Was making notes for Geography stuff then my brother was out at the living room, he's seldom at the living room. It's only for dinner and when there's a good show on TV, living room's TV's bigger and clearer and tadah! Army Daze was playing :D Didn't slip my mind. It was friggin' hilarious. First jingle that I heard was "Why you so lidat?" Couldn't help but to laugh like a CRAZY woman cause Cakie mentioned it the other day on Plurk. Had dinner at Rong Guang Seafood with some Barflies on Friday night, REALLY cold night. There was Roarrbin, Cakie, DPL (干爹! LOL), Leonard, Posh and Serendipity (?). The food was really good lah, although I don't take spice, but the sambal was really good! There was sambal stingray x2, sambal kangkong, sambal sotong, sambal la la (I don't even dare to look at it) har qiong gai, chilli crabs and mantous :) and cereal prawns! A LOT OF FOOD LAH, immense amount of sambal as well. Wasn't in the best of moods that night and I was surprisingly quiet, kept spacing out as well ... Momo says we're gonna head over to Rong Guang for my birthday dinner. Yeay, szup. I got to have my expressions written all over my face, it's making me so predictable. I just don't like the idea of being predictable and it's annoying, no? To have all your expressions and actions written clearly on your forehead. Like when you're pissed, there's a big red chop of "DU LAN" on your forehead. Tut tut tut ... Prelims phase 1 starts tomorrow, about 5 papers and one practical. One week of holidays then Prelims phase 2 again -_-. Smart (____) planned it so that we have got NO choice, BUT to use that one week for hardcore revisions. *sneer* Ending on 12th September :D but all hell's gonna resume on the 15th October ending on 11th November. SONG BOH? Oraight, gonna go back to revisions. Labels: barflies, dushu, heartfelt, olevels D:
12:44:00 AM
![]() Of gold shoes and bracelet, silk shorts (looks really really good) and summer yellow back-pack and a really spiffy tattoo outline. ![]() Men in slim cut suits! Très sexy, non ? Labels: dominic cooper, men, pictures, the sartorialist
12:58:00 PM
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Love Can Damage Your Health - Télépopmusik Yes yes yes yes. I've realize how monotonous my blog has became. Who cares? Been reading 1984 at a reallyreallyreally slow speed. It somehow reminds me of The Giver, totally different from The Animal Farm. Very duh but whatever ... just felt like saying it. I've realized my level of tolerance is like constantly changing. Sometimes I can tolerate lotsa shitty things but recently .... I *think* I cannot tolerate shitty things as well as I did before. It kind of saddens me how "friends" have became such an ambiguous term. It's no longer the same thing anymore. What are friends to you? Would you rather have a best friend, or a huge number of friends to frolick around with. I'd definitely go with the former. Like the other time, Elize was just asking, "Eh, where are your friends?" Then I replied, "beside me lor." So she started her damn annoying, "awwwww maaaan~?! I'm your only friend?!" Yah, my only friend lor. Apart from Angsty, Amy, Papaya and Elvis. You don't get it? You don't? Nah, you wouldn't. Saw Joy's FB just now and there was a photo album titled Coffee + Friends = Joy. I cannot emphasize how true that is. I remember sitting at Spinelli's with Joy as she completed her black belt suduko book and I was just mindlessly flipping through some cheap, thrassy tabloid magazine (that she bought, emphasis) and Joy just taking pictures of my ahem, assets. She enjoys doing that. I loved that night. It was in the middle of Raffles City, even with all the car driving past and all. I still felt really peaceful and calm. *shrugs* Maybe I'm easily satisfied ... I'll be really happy when I just sit around and nua at some random cafe with a nice hug mug of aromatic kopi. *gleam* On the other hand, being back at Church feels really good :) Reaching there on time (yay). P&W got damn tortured by Benny and AhBao lah?! Forgot to bring my hoodie and wrapped myself with Benny's Topman cardigan which was doused with like, half a bottle of Issey Miyake. He's damn evil. Yes, you damn evil, you see this Benny?! Labels: friends, LCOR, life, rants
8:57:00 PM
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
![]() Life's been routine-ish :( As bloody usual. Can't do paragraphing on my phone cause I'm blogging from the living room, using the phone. Pamela thinks that my pencil box (pictured) is damn scary. It's a make-up pouch. I don't even know why I'm talking about my pencil case when I'm trying damn hard to like, complete my Chinese comprehension worksheet. It's one of those days when I feel like I'm living alone, neglected and umm, boring ol' thing. Not that I'm old or whatsoever ... Anyhoos, it's barely a week to Phase One of Prelims. It's either I make it or break it for O's. Concentrating on the former, TYVM.
8:57:00 PM
Monday, August 18, 2008
Never Let Me Go - Hillsongs United You know, srsly. It's getting kind of annoying. There's a fine line between being humble and being a complete ASSHAT. *rolls eyes* Hearing the sounds of the thunders rolling makes me REALLY happy. Thunder = Lightning = Pretty = Rain = Me has a Happy. K back to work. Ciao. Labels: ANNOYING, happy :), schoolwork
9:06:00 PM
Friday, August 15, 2008
Never Let Me Go - Hillsongs United Really really tiring day today. I dreamt that I was late and I was scrambling and tripping all over the stuff in my room and I sat straight up almost immediately. 6:17am. 17 minutes behind schedule! Rush rush rush. Went to school and we did reading aloud in the first two periods. Thank god for that, if not I'll be reading like there's no consonants evar in the universe. :) Oral went pretty okay! Challenging topic and conversational topic too. Nonetheless, not as bad as Chink oral. Chink oral was beyond jialatness. Finished exams and headed over to WM for Linner (lunch+dinner) and made our way to Ms Koh's house. Ms Koh didn't say anything :D albeit being late and ringing the doorbell a hundred times. Veli juicy juicy juicy couture gossips tonight lor! LOVE IT GIRLS! Labels: friends, HAHAHA, olevels D:, schoolwork, tiredtiredshagshag, tuition
10:04:00 PM
Thursday, August 14, 2008
You - Hillsongs United I’m going to start P.O.A (Principles of Accounting) all the way from Chapter Uno. I don’t care if I don’t do well, but I just don’t want to give up. I am going to try real hard! Although I don't really enjoy Accounting :/ Okidokes, left one last graph question on Tampines paper then .... am gonna study something else. There has got to be some bug going around. Yingeh is sick. DPL and Cow, sick too. I was sick, oh wait, I'm constantly sick. Momo was sick (a little), Boston was sneezing this morning. Robin had a really bad headache (still sick right?) Get well soon everybody. *fingers crossed* I don't fall ill myself, not a very convenient time to fall ill. Labels: barflies, olevels D:, schoolwork, sick
8:32:00 PM
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Devotion - Hillsongs United When You stand, the tall tress and mountains bow THIS . WEEK . IS . BY . FAR . THE . SHITTIEST . WEEK . *pouts Monday was a holiday. Today's Tuesday and we recieved our O'levels MT results and I've gotten a B3. Boo. I honestly wanted A2/A1, who wouldn't anyway. Momo was mentioning that even if I managed to snag an A2, she would still want me to retake the paper. Her reasons were cause the second time around, I'll know what's going on and I'll probably handle the paper better. *shrugs. Moms are never wrong. Was trying to plan tuition dates for this week and it was utterly tormenting -_-. Wednesday's out cause Ms. Koh cannot make it. Night study on Wednesday. Thursday's out because we have Math supplementary lessons. Friday's down for English O'levels orals and one of the two Math lessons. Saturday's down for one of the two Math lessons. Church gathering in the evening. Sunday's out cause Pam and I have Chemistry lessons with Wilfred. Phew. Cold night tonight, am wearing my PJs that I only wear when I'm in China. Cold! I haz a sneeze tonight because I didn't take my allergy pill before I crashed in the afternoon. My eyes were telling me an allergy's coming. Yeah man. How cool is that. *Snort. Don't mope, mug. Labels: olevels D:, schoolwork, sick, tuition
9:24:00 PM
Monday, August 11, 2008
Sonata in F Minor-Allegro Assai - CPE Bach Me got tagged by Leonard! so here goes ... The craziest thing I have done for love is "waiting for almost 12 hours below where your girlfriend stays and manage to see her in the end for 1-2 hours." Catch Wall-E in cinemas from 28 August 2008 (Originator's blog: http://leonardpng.blogspot.com/) The craziest thing I have done for love is "asked a girl out to demand a reason why she kept flirting with my boyfriend. It ended up with 3 girlfriends of mine, that girl and another friend and a lot of fierce Ah Bengs surrounding us in WestMall Arcade. Too bad we couldn't get into a cat fight, there were some Police around." Catch Wall-E in cinemas from 28 August 2008 (http://linnny.blogspot.com/) Labels: meme
9:36:00 PM
Plainsunset - Plainsunset I've cleared my weekends! Tuition and piano used to take up my weekends and I realized it drains me till no end. Stopped piano for this few terms *stares at the Grade 6 ABRSM book collecting dust* stopped Johnathan's math tuition and changed it for Ms. Koh :) Thus, henceforth, therefore, hence ... Saturdays and Sundays are free for all to date :) I'm going to head back to Church every Sunday morning. I'm going to start to date some of you already. Keep yourselves free, cause I seldom date people one :(. Labels: I am lazy to label this post so I will use this label to label such posts, life
8:08:00 PM
Boston - Augustana *blinkblink* When I was baby and when I slept alllll daaayyy long. ![]() ![]() My human likes to take pictures. There's another 1000 pictures of moi in my human's mom's phone :D!! Then I got a little bigger :D! I was brought around in tote bags when I was this small. Now I'm just tooooooo big. ![]() ![]() Nomnomnomnomnom. Beeg. I give this face when I get scoldings. It works. What happens when you swim with Great Danes,Rotties,Dalmations, Germans, big dogs. Cause you always need to be there to support them (company policy, bah) we're natural born swimmers! My human/jiejie/mummy would swim with dogs all day long when she was working with Josiah, the other human. ![]() My human misses Snow and Storm! and she likes to call them at the same time so she'll be saying "Snow Storm !!" and she'll get all trigger happy -_-. Snow is a beauty! I used to sit around K9 Kafe with Snow, Storm, Nikki and my human. My human will be busy brewing Illy coffee and Gryphon Tea when the humans stroll in with their furkids :D Then Josiah will be furiously typing on his lappy or talk non stop on the phone. I'll just laze around and sometimes some humans will buy treats from US Doggie Bakery for me! I miss K9 Kulture.
2:06:00 PM
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
I'd Rather Dance With You - Kings Of Convenience Picture taken by Pamela, table is extremely messy, I don't know why. 美人 just got her spanking new LG Viewty in metallic pink, she was soo elated! :D She can finally blog with more pictures. So if you want to see the picture quality of a LG Viewty. Tadah! (Walao, chin is damn fat) Pretty spiffy phone I must say. Very sleek design, very light too. The stylus resembles a tube of lipgloss, very chic phone all in all. I still love my scratchy P1i :D School today was pretty okay, lots of free periods. 8 in total I think ........ The class was ridiculously quiet for some reason. Think they were all busy doing something else/revising. Ate lunch with Elizetehchiaobin this afternoon. Meh, sucky food and expensive at the same time. Boo. Botanical gardens on Friday. Shall be stealing pictures from 美人 :) Since my cable isn't working. I don't feel like editing my coursework. How? Labels: Boston, friends, national day, pictures
6:56:00 PM
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Mad, Sexy, Cool - Babyface Is there anything stronger than Ponstan out there -_- ? My head is still hurting. Boo. Labels: I am lazy to label this post so I will use this label to label such posts
7:40:00 PM
Monday, August 4, 2008
Ride A White Horse - Goldfrapp I think I fell asleep within 5 seconds this afternoon. No idea why but I was suuuuuuuuper sleepy. Was reading about the Dawn Yang and XiaXue fued the other day. I think it’s like a huge joke between two Bloggers who happen to just quarrel over something so minute and somehow or rather there are lawyer letters darting everywhere. *ponders* I think it all boils to originality and superficiality, and I just don’t get it. DY has like what .. 2 million Blogs specially dedicated to her, just to flame her. Wao, I saw some of the blogs and wondered what the heck has DY did to land herself with soo many “exposing” blogs. Pictures dug up from birth and her days in RJC then to photoshopped pictures. Wao, the photoshopped pictures are REALLY classic. I’m marveled at how people can edit and touch themselves up to look so friggin different. Really. Oh well. I think it’s not time for me to look all prissy and pretty. Indulging in big brand names like Gucci, Balenciaga, Goyard and what not can come later. I overheard this girl who said that her branded Guess? stuff is like so pretty, and she couldn’t stop talking about it (and obviously, her friend was totally uninterested and decides to look at the dustballs collecting on the bus' window sills instead), like omgah. What’s the big hoo-haa about Guess? again? Except that they brought in their very first Chinese model, Du Juan. Other than that, Guess? has totally lost it’s meaning (IMHO). Momo thinks that I’ve grown up (hahahahahaha) and have thus stopped whining for that shopping spree that never comes. Edi just mentioned he’s coming over to Singapore! I miss KL and the Adidas boys/FCUK girls and lovely lovely Damian and all the Starbies Baristas! I can go on and on. Study time :] Labels: heartfelt, random, rants, whine, WTF?
9:54:00 PM
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Hey Hey Hey - The Kinison Lessons with Ms Koh was like really really enjoyable :) It wasn’t was productive as before but .. it’s okay lah, once in a while right, girls? My horoscope for today was basically, I won’t be productive today. Is it making sense? Or am I just lazing towards my horoscope today. Oh well … Pam officially made me a sound like a fangirl of Dharni -_-, yes, the beatboxer who came to school to perform. I’m not okay! I like all of them HAHAHA . *wiggle* Meaner is like an automated Post-it note which refreshes a new message every now and then. Today’s Post-it message was “Persevere :)”, haha, so silly yet cute at the same time. ‘Fess up guys, who is the one who keeps thinking of me? I can’t get to stop sneezing man. Yet another random post, this feels more like a personal journal now that I look at it. Hmm . Labels: friends, HAHAHA, meaner, SAF acapella, sick, tuition
9:27:00 PM
Friday, August 1, 2008
Ture Nature - Jane's Addiction Satisfied my cravings for Long John Silver's tonight, having to puke everything out when I reached home at 10:13. Everysinglefagenthing came out, even the Iced Lemon Tea and a lot of blood as well. Didn't have that much blood before .. something's wrong :( I don't feel well :( I keep puking. Robin having a lot of fun at DBL O's private event now :( free flow Johnny Walker. showoff :x Labels: random
11:16:00 PM
Ain't No Sunshine - Freddie King I'm not over-reacting when I say I go weak in the knees and all goosebumpish when I hear acapella groups. I love fridays, for obvious reasons. Friday I'm in love! and because on fridays we have slack-lessons. Lemme rephrase that before I get bombarded with " why are you not studying ?!?!?!? o levels !!!!" Self study lessons, oraight? Was having mixed emotions after English, locked the doors and we left, doors aren't fixed yet am going to bug Uncle Song like crazy to get it fixed. Collect travel declaration forms and .. hand in CCA shit. Sorry for listing out random Chairperson duties here. :( So we had P.E today, frisbee! Wanted to participate but the HEAT was KILLING ME. Then suddenly .. 6 or 5 guys came strutting into the hall (in uniform *GASP*) with no instruments = not SAF String ensemble = ACAPELLA GROUP !! AHH !! The last acapella performance I saw was during choir and Mr. Yiong was there. (ahhh .. Mr. Yiong ...) But the SAF guys were really good (and cute). 肥潘 and 肥安妮 were talking about one of the guys from MediaCorp who acted at some Tofu Street dunnowhat. Hahahaha, super fangirls lah !! 肥潘 is a super fangirl of the boy in Tofu Street. Hehe . Then we went over and asked -_- don't know for vart. 肥潘 and I were discussing how nice it would be if we had a little acapella groups in our rooms whenever we wanted to listen to songs. AND THEY SANG BILLIE JEAN LAH . LIKE BILLIE JEEAAAANNNNNNN BILLIIIEIEEEJEJEJEJEJ EAAANNNNNNNNNNN IS NOT MAAH LOVERRRRRR . Waaaaaa !!! The beatboxer was damn good too! He did Drop It Like It's Hot, classic. Then a little bit of 4 minutes. WAA!! I have the sudden urge to head back to the Music Room and sing with the Choir people. Highlight of the day : Boys with good vocals. 肥安妮 and I exchanging YouTube videos now! Hahahaha Labels: OMG I WANT, SAF acapella, schoolwork
2:17:00 PM